This picture of Jewish woman challenging Israeli security forces as they remove illegal settlers in the West Bank.
Photographer: Oded Balilty (Associated Press)
A fireman rescued a critical infant during the Oklahoma bombing
Photographer: Charles Porter
A photo of a bridge reflecting on the water
Photographer: Greg Rodgers
Photo of the Yellow Stripe Hwy outside the Monument Valley.
Photographer: Michael Reichmann
Main Differences between them
The Press photography is different from the Art photography because in Press photograph, you can visually see what its meaning. In other words, what you see is what you get. Press photographs often used by the media to express visually what is going on in other parts of the world. Most of the Press photographs are not edited because its intention is to deliver the news visually.
The Art photography has a deeper meaning compared to the Press photography. In Art photographs, the photo could mean two things because it’s taken artistically. Maybe some viewer of the Art photographs cannot see the abstract of the photo compare to the photographer who did the shot and see it differently. Compared to the Press photographs, Art photographs can be edited, retouched and revised. It is because its purpose is not to demonstrate a current event but to present an artistic photograph.
Like what Charles Caffin said “There are two distinct roads in photography - the utilitarian and the aesthetic: the goal of the one being a record of facts, and the other an expression of beauty.” In other words, one is intended for media and the other one is for exhibit.
Similarities between them
Both type of photography shares one common feature, artistic views. Art photographs are taken artistically as well as the Press photographs. It is easy to take a photo but incorporating its meaning is hard to do. Photographers of the two types visualize each scene so that they won’t mess up. That is why both types are taken artistically and having its meaning intended for different purpose.
Altering Press photograph
As mentioned above, Press photographs should tell the truth and intended to tell a story. Altering a press photograph is like quoting a word. You shouldn’t add extra words nor erase some words on the quote because that is not the original quotation anymore. Same analogy applies to the press photography. It is not necessary to be altered, edited, and revised.
Altering Art photograph
Compared to the Press photography, art photographs can be altered. It is necessary to get it edited and revised because the photographer may not be satisfied or happy on the shot he made. Besides, its purpose is to portray an artistic image and the photographers should do their best to make their shot presentable on appealing.
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