Thursday, April 28, 2011

DB 3

When something is reproduced for so many times is that art?
No, i don't think that it is art anymore. Why, because the quality of that art may be reduced and its value is not that valuable anymore. The best analogy for that is the skin allergy. The more you rub the more it gets itchy.

What’s the importance of the mechanical reproducibility of the art?
It is important however because let's say for example, the "art" got damage and it is going to an exhibition and the organizers doesn't want that art to look bad, they ask for another "copy" of the art so they can still proceed the exhibition.

What was the impact on mechanical reproducibility on the society?
Most of the people may think that that art is the original work of that artist but actually it is the imitation of that art. People got fooled and faked because an imitation may look the same as the original but the quality and value of the work is not their.

Is photography art, or contribution to the art?
Yes, it is a contribution because according to the definition of the art, it is a matter of expressing someone's feeling in a form of art or abstract.

How and why Henry Pitch Robinson created Fading Away? What was the reason?
It depicted the death of the family and it gave it an emotional response to the viewers.
Photography has impacted the world of art and influenced some changes in the area of accessibility to art. If mechanical reproduction created revolution, what is happening now with the digitalization?
Digitalization reproduction was created by the innovation of mechanical reproduction. Digitalization will create another revolution in the advancement of digitization.

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